Friday, August 23, 2013

Gig Review - Skrat @B-flat B'lore

Skrat’s back in town. Considering that I really love this band, it would be unfair to do another review in such a short span of time because we all know I’m just going to say nice things. 

Skrat at B-Flat B'lore
Nevertheless, just a quickie (not what you are thinking) about last night’s gig at B-Flat in Bengaluru. Great sound, packed house, a lot of people dancing, a few new covers (including ‘Born to be Wild’ which is one of my favourite songs which I've played in the last 3 bands I was in), top class energy. The evening's set list covered a lot of material from the new album (Bring Out the Big Guns) that was interspersed with material from the older album and a few Black Keys, Raconteurs and Johnny Cash covers.

The biggest thing I like about the band is their raw simplicity. No fancy processors or pedal boards. Just comes to show that you don’t need to know about a 1000 chords and scales to make music that moves people.

The last time I saw Skrat play in Bengaluru was at the Hard Rock Cafe, which was a letdown considering the acoustics of HRC needs a lot of work. B-flat was a much better venue in terms of acoustics and a far more intimate venue because the band wasn't standing 8 feet above you where you can’t see the drummer. 

The only downside to the show was that I didn't get a free cd. I hope the Yankee who did get the cd takes it back to his homeland and plays it for people there. Let the world know that India is much more than Bollywood. 
And now a word from our Good Times partner for the evening
(PS: I’m trying to learn a bit of proper photography so the pics are a little off because there is only so much customization I can do with a point-and-shoot camera)

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